2013 m. spalio 26 d., šeštadienis

Favourite blogs

Every day I read blogs for inspiration. Blogs about style, fashion and makeup are my favourite. So I thought why not to share some inspiration with you.
The top blogs that I follow are:

1. Intrigue me now  (http://intriguemenow.blogspot.com/)

2. Clara Alonso Blog ( http://blogs.vogue.es/clara-alonso/)

3. Kendi Everyday  ( http://www.kendieveryday.com/)

4. LopezJennyLopez (http://www.lopezjennylopez.com/)

5. Make Life Easier  (http://www.makelifeeasier.pl/)

6. My notebook by Ariadne Artiles  (http://blogs.glamour.es/my-notebook-by-ariadne-artiles/)

7. Scent of obsession  (http://www.scentofobsession.com/)

8. Stellawantstodie  (http://www.stellawantstodie.net/)

9. The Blonde Salad  (http://www.theblondesalad.com/)

10. The Daybook  (http://www.thedaybookblog.com/)

11. The Golden Diamonds  (http://thegoldendiamonds.com/)

12. Hello it's Valentine  (http://www.helloitsvalentine.fr/)
There are other blogs that I like, but these ones I love to keep track on every single day at my lunch hour :)
What are your favourite ones?


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